
At Kiddie Land Montessori, our classes are structured based on age groups to cater to the specific developmental needs of children at different stages. From our Mom and Baby classes that promote bonding to our Toddler until Preschool classes where children enhance their skills, each level is thoughtfully designed to provide age-appropriate learning experiences and a strong foundation for their educational growth.

  • Age : 1 - 2 years
    School Days : Monday - Friday
    School Hours : 08.00 - 11.30

    In the Mom and Baby class, the main goal is to enhance the connection between parents and their children. This class specifically caters to little ones who have already taken their first steps. The teaching approach follows the principles of Montessori, which involve engaging activities that stimulate the senses and improve gross motor skills. These activities may include dancing, arts and crafts, sensory exploration, painting, and more.

  • Age : 2 - 3 years
    School Days : Monday - Friday
    School Hours : 08.00 - 11.30

    At KiddieLand, we prioritize English as the fundamental language for our students. We believe in harnessing the power of the Montessori Method to create a nurturing learning environment. In our Toddler class, we focus on practical life skills and sensory exploration through Montessori principles. Our goal is to empower children by strengthening their hand dexterity and instilling daily habits that promote independence. For example, they will learn essential tasks like potty training, putting on and taking off socks and shoes, feeding themselves, and tidying up their toys. We aim to foster their growth and development in warm and caring settings.

  • Age : 3 - 4 years
    School Days : Monday - Friday
    School Hours : 08.00 - 11.30

    K1 Class is designed to foster independence, exploration, and a love for learning. During this stage, we create an environment that encourages hands-on experiences, allowing children to make choices based on their own interests and abilities. We take on the role of guides, keenly observing and supporting each child's unique development, while fostering self-discipline, concentration, and meaningful social interactions. Through engaging activities like practical life exercises, sensorial explorations, language games, and mathematical concepts, and culture. We celebrate the child's innate curiosity, build their self-confidence, and ignite their intrinsic motivation, paving the way for a lifelong love of learning.

  • Age : 4 - 5 years
    School Days : Monday - Friday
    School Hours : 08.00 - 11.30

    In the K2 class, we build upon the foundation established in K1 and provide a more challenging and enriching learning experience. We continue to foster independence, exploration, and a love for learning, while also encouraging higher-level thinking skills and deeper understanding of concepts. We guide and support each child individually, recognizing their unique strengths and areas for growth.Through a combination of interactive activities, Sensorial explorations, mathematical concepts, language and world culture.

  • Age : 5 - 6 years
    School Days : Monday - Friday
    School Hours : 08.00 - 11.30

    Prep Class is an advanced level from K2 Class, specifically designed to help students prepare for Elementary School. In this Prep Class, we provide a more challenging and high-quality learning experience, aiming to build a strong foundation for their educational journey. We focus on developing the skills and knowledge needed to deepen their understanding in various subjects such as language, mathematics, science, art, and more. In addition to academic subjects, we prioritize social development, emotional intelligence, and students' self-confidence. In Prep Class, we create a friendly and caring environment where every student feels supported and valued. Our commitment is to help them feel prepared, motivated, and enthusiastic as they embark on their new journey to Elementary School.